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Restaurationen Refits, Lackierungen, GFK-Arbeiten, Reparaturen und Umbauten von Booten aller Art.

Alt 06.02.2011, 19:29
Dag Rune Sollie Dag Rune Sollie ist offline
Registriert seit: 01.02.2007
Beiträge: 7
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Standard Restoration of König 65PS Outboard Engine.

Hello, i am from Norway.
I have an old König 65PS outboard engine that i now have started the restoration of.

Here are pictures of the engine:

I also seek some parts to it.
It seems to me that the flywheel and the starter are missing.

I will put out more pictures eventually as the process goes on.
(don`t shoot me if my English is bad...)
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