Mittelmeer und seine Reviere Alles rund um Adria, westliches Mittelmeer, Ligurisches und Tyrrhenische Meer, Ionisches Meer, Ägäis und die italienischen Seen. |
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Boot trotzt Zollverschluss nur noch max. zwei Jahre in Kroatien?
Hallo zusammen,
habe da was gelesen unter www.carina.hr soll nur noch maximal zwei Jahre möglich sein, dann muss Boot raus, bzw. aus- einklarieren, also z.B. einmal Italien und zurück. Weiß da jemand genaueres oder habe ich da was falsch verstanden ? gruss dieter |
welcher Artikel speziell soll dies aussagen, ich kann ihn gerne übesetzen lassen...
servus dieter ...man sollte nicht immer von sich selbst ausgehen, sondern individuelle Situationen akzeptieren.... |
Dieter, auf der Seite oben English anklicken und dann runter scrollen, dann steht dieses hier >>>>>>>>>>>
The temporary importation of pleasure boats What are the basics? Private vessels registered outside the customs territory of Croatia and owned by a person outside Croatia, which are intended for re-export may be temporarily be brought into and used for private purposes in Croatia, or more strictly in the “customs territory of Croatia”, (which includes our territorial waters) without customs duties or taxes needing to be paid. But this can only be done by persons who are not Croatian residents – in official terms – by people who are ‘established outside that territory’. This facility is thus NOT available to Croatian residents. Vessels shall not be hired, lent or made available following their importation. The boats concerned have to be placed under the ‘temporary importation procedure’ (IT) with Customs/Port Authority and the period of use in Croatia is limited in time. When the time is up the boat has to leave, in official jargon this period is called ‘the period of discharge’. The re-exportation of the goods form the customs territory Croatia is the usual way of ending or ‘discharging’ a temporary importation procedure. If the boat does not leave before the end of that time customs duty and taxes become due. How can a yacht be placed under TI? Normally, there are no customs formalities at importation or exportation. However, you may be required to use a route specified by customs and they may require you to make an oral or written customs declaration. It is possible they may require the provision of some kind of security or guarantee to cover the payment of the customs duties and taxes that become due if the boat does not leave Croatia. How long can the yacht stay in Croatia? Normally, you can use the vessel in period of six months, whether continues or not, in any 12 months. If the boat is stored in a place approved as a customs warehouse (‘put in bond’) for a time the possibility exists for not counting the period of non-use (see below). Can the six months be extended if the yacht is not used? Yes, the six month period may be extended for the time during which the yacht is not used. However, the maximum overall period during which the yacht can remain in Croatia is 24 months, even where the arrangements where discharged by placing the boat on the premises approved by and under the supervision of the customs authorities, and subsequently entered again for temporary importation. Can you have another period of Temporary Importation? How long must you wait? Yes, you are not limited to a single period of temporary import. You can sail the yacht out of Croatia and when you came back again for another holiday a new period of temporary importation can begin. The customs rules do not provide for a “minimum period” during which the goods must remain outside of the customs territory of Croatia. Important If person fails to comply with the conditions laid down for temporary import, that person can be held responsible in connection with the commission of a customs offence, and liable for the monetary penalties and customs duties and taxes incurred. |
Das ist schon ein alter Hut und wird schon seit Jahr(zehnten) so gepflogen. Alle Boote mit Jahreslieger werden zwecks dieser Zollformalitäten von der Marina einmal proforma unter Zollverschluß gelegt um dieser Regelung zu entgehen. Alle Privatlieger, die ihr Boot länger als 2 Jahre an Kroatien liegen haben, müßten um eine Verzollung zu vermeiden ihr Boot mindest 1x in zwei Jahren aus Kroatien rausbringen.
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