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Alt 22.01.2011, 17:39
Benutzerbild von zodiac340m
zodiac340m zodiac340m ist offline
Registriert seit: 22.01.2011
Ort: MA
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15 Danke in 7 Beiträgen
Standard Hello I am new and my German is very bad to write

Hi all

I am hoping someone here will be able to read my post and give me the correct information that I need to buy a small boat with a 5ps engine in Germany. I wnat to use this boat on the rivers and small lakes in germany and also the French Britagne coast. I am told that 5ps or 5hp I do not need a license. Then some people tell me at 5hp I need a license.##

Is there anyone on this forum from Germany who has the same engine and do not have a license? Please let mek now. I live in Mannheim and will be buying a zodiac 340 or 420 soon. thanks very much.
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Alt 22.01.2011, 17:44
balticskipper balticskipper ist offline
Registriert seit: 09.11.2009
Ort: Pfronten-Allgäu
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Boot: Bandido
Rufzeichen oder MMSI: DFXL 2
473 Danke in 251 Beiträgen

forget it!!! I´s to dangereus what you want.

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Alt 22.01.2011, 17:48
Benutzerbild von drave110
drave110 drave110 ist offline
Registriert seit: 12.10.2009
Ort: Hannover
Beiträge: 616
Boot: Silentcraft 50 PS,Sunbird SPL 150,Zeepter 330
303 Danke in 217 Beiträgen

with 5 hp you dont need a license in Germany

Gruß Dave
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Alt 22.01.2011, 17:51
Benutzerbild von Hansel
Hansel Hansel ist offline
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Ort: Korschenbroich
Beiträge: 655
Boot: Wellcraft 192 classic
1.324 Danke in 527 Beiträgen

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Hi all

I am hoping someone here will be able to read my post and give me the correct information that I need to buy a small boat with a 5ps engine in Germany. I wnat to use this boat on the rivers and small lakes in germany and also the French Britagne coast. I am told that 5ps or 5hp I do not need a license. Then some people tell me at 5hp I need a license.##

Is there anyone on this forum from Germany who has the same engine and do not have a license? Please let mek now. I live in Mannheim and will be buying a zodiac 340 or 420 soon. thanks very much.
Welcome to this glorious forum drave 110
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Alt 22.01.2011, 17:54
Benutzerbild von drave110
drave110 drave110 ist offline
Registriert seit: 12.10.2009
Ort: Hannover
Beiträge: 616
Boot: Silentcraft 50 PS,Sunbird SPL 150,Zeepter 330
303 Danke in 217 Beiträgen

hää???bin doch schon voll lange hier

Gruß Dave
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Alt 22.01.2011, 17:58
Benutzerbild von Hansel
Hansel Hansel ist offline
Registriert seit: 25.05.2009
Ort: Korschenbroich
Beiträge: 655
Boot: Wellcraft 192 classic
1.324 Danke in 527 Beiträgen

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hää???bin doch schon voll lange hier
Fehler vom Amt
Ich habe mich etwas vertippt
Ich meinte natürlich Zodiac 340m
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Alt 22.01.2011, 18:02
W.Bligh W.Bligh ist offline
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I don't think, that at these small rivers and lakes, where you intend to go to, you are allowed to use
combustion engines !
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Alt 22.01.2011, 18:05
Benutzerbild von hopfemike
hopfemike hopfemike ist offline
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Ich bitte euch der kann doch kein Deutsch schreibt Bitte Englisch
und wer kein Englisch kann,
schreibt Bitte

I understand just train-station
ich versteh nur bahnhof
sorry, my english is under all pig
entschuldige, mein englisch ist unter aller sau
I think I spider
ich glaub ich spinne
the devil will i do
den teufel werd ich tun
my lovely mister singing club
mein lieber herr gesangsverein
come on…jump over your shadow
komm schon…spring über deinen schatten
you walk me animally on the cookie
du gehts mir tierisch auf den keks
there my hairs stand up to the mountain
da stehen mir die haare zu berge
tell me nothing from the horse
erzähl mir keinen vom pferd
it’s not good cherry-eating with you
es ist nicht gut kirschen essen mit dir
now it goes around the sausage
jetzt geht’s um die wurst
there you on the woodway
da bist du auf dem holzweg
I hold it in head not out
ich halt’s im kopf nicht aus
I see black for you
ich seh schwarz für dich
your are so a fear-rabbit
du bist so ein angsthase
are you save?
bist du sicher?
give not so on
gib nicht so an
heaven, ass and thread!
Himmel, Arsch und Zwirn!
Human Meier
Mensch Meier
you have not more all cups in the board
du hast nicht mehr alle tassen im schrank
she had a circleroundbreakdown
sie hatte einen kreislaufzusammenbruch
I know me here out
ich kenn mich hier aus
I fall from all clouds
ich fiel aus allen Wolken
no one can reach me the water
niemand kann mir das wasser reichen
not the yellow of the egg
nicht das gelbe vom ei
everything in the green area
alles im grünen bereich
I die for Blackforrestcherrycake
Ich sterbe für Schwarzwälderkirschtorte
it walks me icecold the back down
es läuft mir eiskalt den rücken runter
I’m foxdevilswild
ich bin fuchsteufelswild
now you look but silly out of the clothes
Jetzt schaust Du aber dumm aus der Wäsche

Gruß Michael


Gruß Michael

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Alt 22.01.2011, 18:10
Benutzerbild von Rock'n'Roll-Crew
Rock'n'Roll-Crew Rock'n'Roll-Crew ist offline
Vice Admiral
Registriert seit: 27.09.2009
Ort: Oeversee
Beiträge: 1.070
Boot: HR 24
8.908 Danke in 1.713 Beiträgen

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I don't think, that at these small rivers and lakes, where you intend to go to, you are allowed to use
combustion engines !
Er könnte doch problemlos mit 5Ps Verbrenner quer durch die Kanäle ins Mittelmeer tuckern?
Wie es in der Bretagne aussieht, weiss ich auch nicht..
Grüße, David

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Alt 22.01.2011, 18:17
Benutzerbild von Rock'n'Roll-Crew
Rock'n'Roll-Crew Rock'n'Roll-Crew ist offline
Vice Admiral
Registriert seit: 27.09.2009
Ort: Oeversee
Beiträge: 1.070
Boot: HR 24
8.908 Danke in 1.713 Beiträgen

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Jetzt schaust Du aber dumm aus der Wäsche

Und wenn er/sie PoleFranzoseSpanierHolländerDäneSchwedeFinneoderso nstwas ist und nur ca. so gut englisch wie südtimbuktisch oder deutsch spricht?

Dann ischer Gruppenposer.
Grüße, David

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Alt 22.01.2011, 18:29
Benutzerbild von Hohensteinchen
Hohensteinchen Hohensteinchen ist offline
Vice Admiral
Registriert seit: 18.08.2009
Ort: Ingolstadt / Berlin
Beiträge: 1.056
Boot: Relcraft Topaz BJ 1980, heisst Barbarken II. Fotos im Album. ( Von Barbarken I, 1927, auch).
1.396 Danke in 467 Beiträgen

Zitat von zodiac340m Beitrag anzeigen
Hi all

I am hoping someone here will be able to read my post and give me the correct information that I need to buy a small boat with a 5ps engine in Germany. I wnat to use this boat on the rivers and small lakes in germany and also the French Britagne coast. I am told that 5ps or 5hp I do not need a license. Then some people tell me at 5hp I need a license.##

Is there anyone on this forum from Germany who has the same engine and do not have a license? Please let mek now. I live in Mannheim and will be buying a zodiac 340 or 420 soon. thanks very much.

Hello Zodiac,

first of all - nice that somebody from abroad has entered this forum .
Warm welcome.

Where are you from ? And what's your name ?

To answer your question : only if your engine has more than 5 hp you are obliged to have a license ( SBF Binnen )
The police may control you and if you have more than 5 hp but no license you may not only get problems with the police but you may even risk your normal driver's license for the car.

Second problem : with a maximum 5 hp engine your boat is not very strong and you may get trouble with the currents...

5 hp s may be sufficient in some small lakes or channels, but if you want to go the coast of Bretagne , to the sea side, than you will not be able to steer the boat safely !

So I would suggest you either really stay on little calm lakes and channels and forget about the open sea and you will be happy with 5 hp.
Or get the licenses and buy a stronger engine which you also can use at the coast..

All the best and kind regards from Jutta
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Alt 22.01.2011, 18:39
Benutzerbild von Rock'n'Roll-Crew
Rock'n'Roll-Crew Rock'n'Roll-Crew ist offline
Vice Admiral
Registriert seit: 27.09.2009
Ort: Oeversee
Beiträge: 1.070
Boot: HR 24
8.908 Danke in 1.713 Beiträgen

Er/ sie lebt wohl in Monnem (Mannheim)
Hab's im ersten post überlesen...
Grüße, David

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Alt 22.01.2011, 19:10
Benutzerbild von PderSkipper
PderSkipper PderSkipper ist offline
Fleet Admiral
Registriert seit: 20.05.2006
Ort: inne Päärle
Beiträge: 6.470
Boot: FW 225 Sundowner mim Fauacht
Rufzeichen oder MMSI: Freibier
30.414 Danke in 9.461 Beiträgen

List of license free 5hp power mixers in dschörmänie.
Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water.
If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot.
Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.
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Alt 22.01.2011, 19:21
Benutzerbild von chris24
chris24 chris24 ist offline
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Registriert seit: 29.03.2010
Beiträge: 1.093
Boot: Doriff
523 Danke in 296 Beiträgen

Welcome to the Boat-Forum!

Is the boat on the user-picture yours?

I think you won't have much fun with such a boat on any German river. The flow is to high. But on some lakes it would be great!

Never change a running system -->

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Alt 22.01.2011, 21:01
Benutzerbild von Dicke Lippe
Dicke Lippe Dicke Lippe ist offline
Fleet Admiral
Registriert seit: 09.06.2007
Ort: in der Pellenz
Beiträge: 8.045
Boot: 38' Stahleigenbau
Rufzeichen oder MMSI: DC8737 / 211717790
25.416 Danke in 8.956 Beiträgen

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I think you won't have much fun with such a boat on any German river. The flow is to high. But on some lakes it would be great!
Jo, nicht nur, dass er von den meisten auf die Schüppe genommen wird, die Auskünfte sind teilweise auch...

Mit dem Bombard aerotec380 und 5PS 2-Takt komme ich alleine auf 23 km/h (Gps). Für welchen deutschen Fluss ist das zu langsam?

Mit einem QS 430 HD XS war ich mit 5 Ps 4-Takt nur 9,2 km/h schnell und mit viel Spaß auf dem Rhein bei Koblenz unterwegs (1,5km/h über Grund).

Aber jetzt zu lesen, dass wir in Deutschland nur reißende Ströme haben ...

Was ist mit Lahn, Mosel, Main, die gesamten Kanäle, etc. ....? Selbst die untere Elbe fließt nur 4 mal am Tag einigermaßen schnell, und dass dann mal aufwärts, mal abwärts.

Da werden eher die Seen ein Problem, viele sind für Verbrennungsmotoren nämlich gesperrt...

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Alt 22.01.2011, 21:13
Benutzerbild von zodiac340m
zodiac340m zodiac340m ist offline
Registriert seit: 22.01.2011
Ort: MA
Beiträge: 95
15 Danke in 7 Beiträgen

Hello Hohensteinchen

THANK you for such a warm and sweet welcome. Thanks for all the nice information. So all those dingbats who are telling me that I MUST have a licence for a 5ps they are talking thru their bums?

I live in Mannheim and originally from the USA, been here ten years. Miss boating so much and also fishing, but so many damned regulations prevent me from enjoying the fun things I once enjoyed back home. I am a female by the way, yes, females do like these things too

The boat in the photo is my intended boat. I may even get the 420. If I can put a 5hp on a 420 will it be safe enough to just puddle in sheltered harbors and bays on the French coast? I do not intend to take this out to sea.

Is this German boat test difficult? Someone told me I can get the book and study it and the answers are already in there, is this true? I eventually want to do this but the guy in Mannheim told me its over 1,000 euros for the german licence and then the one for the sea. I have no clue if this is true.

That is why I came here, plus some of you get to practice your English for free
Thanks again for the warm friendly welcome. Are there other Yanks on here?

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Hello Zodiac,

first of all - nice that somebody from abroad has entered this forum .
Warm welcome.

Where are you from ? And what's your name ?

To answer your question : only if your engine has more than 5 hp you are obliged to have a license ( SBF Binnen )
The police may control you and if you have more than 5 hp but no license you may not only get problems with the police but you may even risk your normal driver's license for the car.

Second problem : with a maximum 5 hp engine your boat is not very strong and you may get trouble with the currents...

5 hp s may be sufficient in some small lakes or channels, but if you want to go the coast of Bretagne , to the sea side, than you will not be able to steer the boat safely !

So I would suggest you either really stay on little calm lakes and channels and forget about the open sea and you will be happy with 5 hp.
Or get the licenses and buy a stronger engine which you also can use at the coast..

All the best and kind regards from Jutta
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Alt 22.01.2011, 21:17
Benutzerbild von zodiac340m
zodiac340m zodiac340m ist offline
Registriert seit: 22.01.2011
Ort: MA
Beiträge: 95
15 Danke in 7 Beiträgen

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Jo, nicht nur, dass er von den meisten auf die Schüppe genommen wird, die Auskünfte sind teilweise auch...

Mit dem Bombard aerotec380 und 5PS 2-Takt komme ich alleine auf 23 km/h (Gps). Für welchen deutschen Fluss ist das zu langsam?

Mit einem QS 430 HD XS war ich mit 5 Ps 4-Takt nur 9,2 km/h schnell und mit viel Spaß auf dem Rhein bei Koblenz unterwegs (1,5km/h über Grund).

Aber jetzt zu lesen, dass wir in Deutschland nur reißende Ströme haben ...

Was ist mit Lahn, Mosel, Main, die gesamten Kanäle, etc. ....? Selbst die untere Elbe fließt nur 4 mal am Tag einigermaßen schnell, und dass dann mal aufwärts, mal abwärts.

Da werden eher die Seen ein Problem, viele sind für Verbrennungsmotoren nämlich gesperrt...
Well, this is good news. Because I was told the current on the Rhine is too much for this little engine. But if you are able to drive your boat with 5ps near Koblenz that is fantastic- I border the Neckar and Rhine rivers in Mannheim. I have seen kyacks and canoes on the river many times with no engines and they have no problems. Are you able to go upstream against the currents on the Rhine? Thanks
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Alt 22.01.2011, 21:20
Benutzerbild von zodiac340m
zodiac340m zodiac340m ist offline
Registriert seit: 22.01.2011
Ort: MA
Beiträge: 95
15 Danke in 7 Beiträgen

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Welcome to the Boat-Forum!

Is the boat on the user-picture yours?

I think you won't have much fun with such a boat on any German river. The flow is to high. But on some lakes it would be great!
Its my intended boat here in a couple of weeks to a month. Going to the big boat show in Düsseldorf end of January. But I am not interested in wakeboarding or fast boating, I just want to be able to put along and fish in coves in bays in Bretagne. I visit there regularly just got back, but we never took a boat. I will go again in summer for 3 weeks and want to do some ocean fishing, since I dont need a license. With respect to rivers in Germany, I may venture to the Neckar and which ever one is close and not strong currents to begin. its not my first time driving a boat. I have always driven big boats and sailed big boats so this is like a toy to me, but there are many regultions that I cant get past.
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Alt 22.01.2011, 21:25
Benutzerbild von zodiac340m
zodiac340m zodiac340m ist offline
Registriert seit: 22.01.2011
Ort: MA
Beiträge: 95
15 Danke in 7 Beiträgen

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I don't think, that at these small rivers and lakes, where you intend to go to, you are allowed to use
combustion engines !

I meant big lakes and big rivers, but I know Bodensee I cant use it, as that is International waters and require a special license or a ferienpass. thanks
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Alt 22.01.2011, 21:28
Benutzerbild von Dicke Lippe
Dicke Lippe Dicke Lippe ist offline
Fleet Admiral
Registriert seit: 09.06.2007
Ort: in der Pellenz
Beiträge: 8.045
Boot: 38' Stahleigenbau
Rufzeichen oder MMSI: DC8737 / 211717790
25.416 Danke in 8.956 Beiträgen

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... Are you able to go upstream against the currents on the Rhine? .

Of course! 1,5 km/h SoG.

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Alt 22.01.2011, 22:09
Benutzerbild von chris24
chris24 chris24 ist offline
Vice Admiral
Registriert seit: 29.03.2010
Beiträge: 1.093
Boot: Doriff
523 Danke in 296 Beiträgen

Für welchen deutschen Fluss ist das zu langsam?

Donau, teilweise Rhein

Aber jetzt zu lesen, dass wir in Deutschland nur reißende Ströme haben ...

Wo hast du denn das gelesen?

Für mich wären 1,5km/h zu langsam und der Spritverbrauch zu hoch.


Never change a running system -->

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Alt 22.01.2011, 23:12
Benutzerbild von jannie
jannie jannie ist offline
Registriert seit: 20.09.2007
Ort: Brunsbüttel / Dithmarschen
Beiträge: 3.825
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5.925 Danke in 2.441 Beiträgen

Moin Lady Zodiac,

you better take the 340 Zodiac, this will allow you to beat the currents with a 5 hp easily. With the larger inflatable, it might be a bit boring, if you want make more than two, three miles a day.In France on the sea side, you may need the Spertbootführerschein See. I'm sure, you know that the tidal currents on the Bretagne seaside are really strong, much more than on our rivers.
The german driving license, which is the Sportbootführerschein Binnen, is not to difficult, they will take you through a paperwork test and a short practical examination on a small boat Cost in the area of 500 Euro, if you take a training coarse. There is a trainer download available: go to downloads and select the SBF Binnen Trainer. This should give you an idea about the cope of the story. And after all, you need to register your boat in Germany, The Wasser und Schiffahrtsamt will provide you with the paoers, i think costs were 18 Euro.
A last question, are you able to read german text (i believe you do, after beeing here since a long time). If yes, i will answer in my native tounge, makes it much faster.

Geändert von jannie (22.01.2011 um 23:21 Uhr)
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Alt 22.01.2011, 23:24
Benutzerbild von PderSkipper
PderSkipper PderSkipper ist offline
Fleet Admiral
Registriert seit: 20.05.2006
Ort: inne Päärle
Beiträge: 6.470
Boot: FW 225 Sundowner mim Fauacht
Rufzeichen oder MMSI: Freibier
30.414 Danke in 9.461 Beiträgen

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A last question, are you able to read german text (i believe you do, after beeing here since a long time). If yes, i will answer in my native tounge, makes it much faster.
Sollte kein Problem sein, sie hat ja die dicke Lippe auch verstanden.

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Are there other Yanks on here?
Here is another ausgewanderter Halbyank.
Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water.
If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot.
Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.

Geändert von PderSkipper (22.01.2011 um 23:29 Uhr)
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Alt 22.01.2011, 23:30
Benutzerbild von wolf b.
wolf b. wolf b. ist offline
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Registriert seit: 11.03.2005
Ort: Oberpfalz
Beiträge: 13.096
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44.735 Danke in 16.479 Beiträgen

Hello and welcome,

most of it was already written, but please be cautious because of the coastal tide on the French Atlantic and also because of the traffic on the Rhine. It is useful to start with simpler waters.

If you would like to do the German driver's licenses, should be your biggest problem, the German language. I have no idea if you can make it on english.
We have licenses for inland and see separate.

With a 5 hp boat in Germany you don`t need a license.
We would be pleased if you would call us your first name.

Uups, Hanse said all better than me.
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Alt 23.01.2011, 00:53
Benutzerbild von Hohensteinchen
Hohensteinchen Hohensteinchen ist offline
Vice Admiral
Registriert seit: 18.08.2009
Ort: Ingolstadt / Berlin
Beiträge: 1.056
Boot: Relcraft Topaz BJ 1980, heisst Barbarken II. Fotos im Album. ( Von Barbarken I, 1927, auch).
1.396 Danke in 467 Beiträgen

[QUOTE=zodiac340m;2082940]Hello Hohensteinchen

THANK you for such a warm and sweet welcome. Thanks for all the nice information. . I am a female by the way, yes, females do like these things too


Hi zodiac ( or however your name is...???), I am a female too and I am happy that with you the female fraction in this forum is increasing enormously.
We are very very very few here ...

As to your question concerning the license I can only recommend you to have a look into the questions which you can find in the internet - the link has been published here some answers before.

And then you will find out if your German knowledge is sufficient to be able to pass the theoretic part of the exam.

The practical one is no problem, but the theoretical one is not that easy . There are a lot of silly questions which are purely theoretic and difficult to learn because there is nothing to understand using your brain but you have to learn them by heart.
Approx. 470 questions but there are only about 100 which are really necessary and useful. The rest is , imho, rubbish .

So if you have the impression that you can get on with your German language knowledges then just buy the book, lean back in a comfortable fireside chair, learn the content and then sign up for the exam.

I don't remember what the book costs, I think it was approx. 20 Euro, and I also do not remember the fees for the exam but it was really not expensive.

If you already have practise in sailing a boat you will easily pass the practical exam. I would just take 1 or 2 hours of practice in a boat school so you will know what the examiners want to see. ( Man over bord, stopping, going alsongside etc.)

And then you will be able to use a reasonable engine without depending on current and wind !

Kind regards from Jutta
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