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Nachdem ich endlos lange für Tuningteile für meine 496 Motoren gesucht hatte, habe ich endlich eine Firma gefunden, welche speziell für diese neue Motorengeneration Teile entwickelt und herstellt.Die meisten Teile aus den USA passen nur auf die vorherige BIGBLOCK Generation - 454 , 502 540 cubicinch . Aufgrund anderer Winkel passen insbesondere keine Zylinderköpfe oder Ansaugbrücken.
Nach langer Verhandlung ist es mir gelungen, für Deutschland und deutschsprachiges Ausland die Exklusivvertriebsrechte zu bekommen. Die Teile sind einzeln und in Kombination speziell für die neue Motorengeneration - 8,1 l 496 cubic inch entwickelt und am Prüfstand getestet worden. Es gibt zur Zeit keinen anderen Hersteller, der passende Zylinderköpfe oder Ansaugbrücken hierfür liefern kann. Die Teile werden in exklusiver Kleinserie hergestellt. Alle Preise sind inklusive Luftfracht aus den USA, Zoll, Mehrwertsteuer und Garantie zu finden unter www.496power.de |
Erste Testergebnisse liegen nun vor!
Testboot 27 Fuß Ultra Motor : Mercruiser 496 HO 425 PS Propeller : 24 er Lab Finshed Bravo I Meßwerte mit Serienmotor: Zeit bis Gleitfahrt 15 Sekunden Höchstgeschwindigkeit 66,3 MPH 106,7 km/h gemessen mit Garmin GPS Umbau auf Motorkit 3 bestehend aus Zylinderköpfe Nockenwelle Kipphebel Ansaugbrücke + erforderliche Kleinteile (525 PS)und modifizierung der Serienauspuffanlage: Propeller 26 er Lab Finshed Bravo I Zeit bis Gleitfahrt 7,5 Sekunden Höchstgeschwindigkeit 76,6 MPH 123,3 km/h im Drehzahlbegrenzer Propeller 28 er blue loner prop Höchstgeschwindigkeit 79,8 MPH 128,5 km/h Eine Steigerung des Top Speeds um fast 22 km/h und hier der Testreports aus den USA im original: Just to put some facts in the stew. We just finished overseeing the installation of one of our BP103 kits on a bone stock 27 Ultra @ Absolute Marine in Lake Havasu, Arizona, Thursday and Friday. Boat was tested Wednesday at 0 t o plane time, 20-40 mph and 40-60 mph acceleration times and top speed mph. Prop was a labbed 24P 4 blade Bravo Conditions 70-75 degrees, very light wind chop and obviously fresh "cold" water. Boat results were taken with Garmin GPS, and stop watch. This boat is a big heavy 27 footer and has two extra monster 8D batteries alongside the engine to help run the 5000 watt sound system!!, 140 gallons of 89 octane fuel two people and about 50 lbs of gear. It's equipped with a Bravo X drive upgrade to Bravo XR specs and runs the stock Mercury exhaust manifolds with a drop elbow and out the transom. The boat before install ran 0 to plane 15 seconds ( not good) and top speed of 66.3 miles per hour honest GPS runs up and down wind average, no water current. Brought the boat to Aaron' s slick shop, they pulled the motor out of the boat ran a compression and leak down test on the motor, 155 to 160 lbs each hole with about 12% average leak downs on a 85 hour motor. They removed the accessories, engine wiring harness and ECM, pulled the manifold, heads and camshaft and cleaned the surface of the block and checked for any visable piston , cylinder or ring dmage or obvious problems. None found. They degreed in the new cam, installed the new BigPower aluminum heads on our special Cometic head gaskets, installed the stainless roller rockers with our special AFN no adjustment locking nut and valves were set and ready to go. They installed the new Raylar "CoolGap" intake manifold, the stock throttle body, fuel rails, injectors, idle air motor, MAP and other stock sensors. We then installed our special fuel pressure adjustment bypass hose on the cool fuel system, installed all of the rest of the stock Mercury 496 brackets, accessories, bottles, hoses and what not. We then did our special modification to the stock Mercury exhaust manifolds and risers , filled all the fluids and installed the motor back in the boat. Hooked up all electrical, fuel and water lines, re-adjusted the fuel pressure setting and turned on the fresh water flush kit. The owner hit the key and she roard to life on the first crank and purred like a kitten! Check everything for leaks or problems, found a few hose clamps to loose, tightned and we were ready for Saturday test. Saturday was an awesome day at Lake Havasu, Arizona, clear light wind 75 degrees and an almost empty lake! Launched at the State Park ramp two blocks from Aaron's shop and again check for leaks, drips or errors, none found! Darrell fired her up we idled out of the ramp area and made the first 0 to plane test. 7 seconds!! Less than half Wednesdays base test. Tried it three more times same results! Thats with a 26P stock Bravo 4 blade prop. We then ran all of the acceleration tests, same results, less than half the time to same speeds. The "cou de gra" was about 6 peddle to the metal top speed runs with the motor roaring like a Lion for about one full hour. Average new top speed 76.6 miles per hour and we were htting the rev-limiter at 5200 rpms on each run! They will try and run the boat Monday with a labbed 28P Bravo 4 blade. Aaron and I feel 80 mph will be about a given! at 5000rpms and yes we had four people abord for the retest not two. Over 10mph increase on the limiter, acceleration times cut by less than half. I think this will just about say all that needs to be said about the 525Hp equipped 496 engine running stock exhaust and a totally untouched 496 ECM!! Gentlemen. Its nice what an honest 100+ horsepower and gobs of torque will do for a 496 engine... Kommentar des Bootbesitzers : We spun a 28 blue loaner prop off the shelf and top speed was 79.8Gps & 79.4 Gps @ 5000rpms.The overall results for this project were awesome.Cut the time to plane in 1/2 and gained 13-14mph.What else is there to ask for... |
Schmiedekolben und Pleul sowie geschmietete Kurbelwellen jetzt in verschiedenen Ausführungen lieferbar - bis 8,5 l Hubraum Neue Nockenwelle für 496 mit Kompressor Kits lieferbar |
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