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Alt 19.08.2007, 09:03
mmataija mmataija ist offline
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Standard Windy 22DC - windscreen removal

Hi everybody,

I have a 1977 Windy 22DC in Croatia, and have recently started with number of repairs on my boat.

One of the things had confused me a bit, and I was hoping that somebody from this forum could point me in the right direction. Basically, the front windscreen is made from two parts. Since the left part of the windscreen is broken, I need to remove the right one to use it as a sample and have the left newly made.

Yesterday I tried to remove the windscreen, but simply don't know how to do it. The glass is positioned in the rubber profiles, which are secured by aluminnium stripes from above and below. However, I only managed to remove the top aluminnium stripe, as all the others have screws which are located very close to the plastic so I can not undo them. Does anybody know how this is done?

Should I remove the whole glass assembly (together with the side windows), and then replace the glass and mount it all together as well?

Thanks for any tips and all the best,
Zagreb, Croatia
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