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Offshore Technik, Tuning, Rennen! Alles rund um Offshore.

Alt 05.04.2004, 17:51
Cigaretteman Cigaretteman ist offline
Registriert seit: 04.04.2004
Ort: Dänemark
Beiträge: 11
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Standard Powerboat club in Dänemark

I thought I would post this here as well.

We have started a powerboat club in Denmark and we have a webpage sorry but it is in Danish but there are nice pictures.
We have 2 pokerruns this year plus some other events. Should you want to join us on one of the runs let me know and I will help you out the best I can.
Cigarette Top Gun 1400 PS
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Alt 07.04.2004, 20:07
Checkmate-Team Checkmate-Team ist offline
Registriert seit: 27.12.2002
Ort: Aschaffenburg
Beiträge: 113
5 Danke in 5 Beiträgen

Dear Cigaretteman,

Welcome to this forum. I visited your website and I think it is perfect. Further, I am happy to notice that there are people in Denmark who are interested in Offshore Boats as well. The same here in Germany. Last year we had a Poker Run on the Rhine River which was the first one to be taken place and this year we will have another one.

I will visit your website on a regular basis and should you have an technical questions than don't hesitate to contact this forum. There are a lot of people who are able to help.


I love fuel and Winter sucks!
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Alt 07.04.2004, 20:26
Cigaretteman Cigaretteman ist offline
Registriert seit: 04.04.2004
Ort: Dänemark
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Thanks for the welcome ! We are interested in sharing our passion for this great hobby with others that feel the same way. Hopefully we can learn from each others mistakes and gain from thier experinces. I saw the pictures from your pokerrun on another website and it looked like a great time.

Cigarette Top Gun 1400 PS
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Alt 07.04.2004, 20:39
Checkmate-Team Checkmate-Team ist offline
Registriert seit: 27.12.2002
Ort: Aschaffenburg
Beiträge: 113
5 Danke in 5 Beiträgen


Thanks for your quick reply. I would say, we stay in contact and wish you Happy Eastern. Have fun looking for eggs - this is a German tradition. Eggs will be painted and hide in the garden. Kids are supposed to look for them, since they think that the Easter-Rabbit put them there.

Forgot something. Please send me the dates of your Poker Run Events. Maybe we have a chance to participate. Thanks.



I love fuel and Winter sucks!
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Alt 07.04.2004, 20:50
Cigaretteman Cigaretteman ist offline
Registriert seit: 04.04.2004
Ort: Dänemark
Beiträge: 11
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Happy easter to you to ! The dates for our pokerruns are July 10th. and August 14th. If you should want to participate I will help you when you get here in any way I can.

Cigarette Top Gun 1400 PS
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Alt 07.04.2004, 21:48
Checkmate-Team Checkmate-Team ist offline
Registriert seit: 27.12.2002
Ort: Aschaffenburg
Beiträge: 113
5 Danke in 5 Beiträgen


Thanks for the information. Take care and talk to you soon again.


I love fuel and Winter sucks!
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Alt 03.06.2004, 20:31
Checkmate-Team Checkmate-Team ist offline
Registriert seit: 27.12.2002
Ort: Aschaffenburg
Beiträge: 113
5 Danke in 5 Beiträgen

Hello Cigarettemann,

last week-end our poker run took place on the Rhine River. If you are interested you can visit our website and see some nice pics and movies. However, it will take some more days to put all the stuff on our server.



I Love Fuel and Winter Sucks
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Alt 03.06.2004, 20:50
Benutzerbild von ugies
ugies ugies ist offline
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jo, dat is fein dat se dat dor mockt hebbt!

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Alt 03.06.2004, 20:57
Cigaretteman Cigaretteman ist offline
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Ort: Dänemark
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Zitat von Checkmate-Team
Hello Cigarettemann,

last week-end our poker run took place on the Rhine River. If you are interested you can visit our website and see some nice pics and movies. However, it will take some more days to put all the stuff on our server.



I Love Fuel and Winter Sucks

Thanks for the info I will bee looking right after I post this. Our first run is just over 1 month away and we are still planing.

Cigarette Top Gun 1400 PS
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Alt 03.06.2004, 21:09
Cigaretteman Cigaretteman ist offline
Registriert seit: 04.04.2004
Ort: Dänemark
Beiträge: 11
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You have some nice boats assembled there ! Which one is yours ?
I think I spotted a Cigarette on one of the pictures is it a cafe Racer ?

I finally got the boat in the water last weekend (we rebuild the engines over the winter) It sure is nice to be back on the water. If you get a chance let me know when ther will be more pictures to look at.


Cigarette Top Gun 1400 PS
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Alt 05.06.2004, 11:01
Checkmate-Team Checkmate-Team ist offline
Registriert seit: 27.12.2002
Ort: Aschaffenburg
Beiträge: 113
5 Danke in 5 Beiträgen

Hello Cigaretteman,

I found out yesterday evening that most of the pics are on its way to our webmaster and should be on the internet within the next days. My boat which was the Poker boat at the Run, is a Checkmate (white with purple, yello and pink trivals).

Yes, you are right. There was a Cafe Racer from Switzerland. He has two Supercharger Engines with B&M, EFI, Outdrive Gear 1:36 and three blade Mirage plus (lap finished). Very nice boat.


I love fuel, Winter sucks!
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Alt 19.06.2004, 22:09
Cigaretteman Cigaretteman ist offline
Registriert seit: 04.04.2004
Ort: Dänemark
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The Pokerrun in Copenhagen takes place July 10-11th if any one wants to join us. If you want more details just reply here or send me an e-mail.
We meet friday evening in the port and just relax with barbecue and fun the pokerrun is saturday and we leave at 10.00 and make 3 stops on the way. We will have a chopper or plane to take pictures from the air on one leg of the trip. Saterday evening we have a big party with grillfood and all you can drink beer, wine and soda for 50 Euro. Sunday we have breakfast in the port and after breakfast we sail to a local beach to enjoy the weather(hopefully)we might also have a race of some sort.

Should any of you want to join we will be helpfull in any way we can.

Also our website will have an english version in the near future, I will let you know.

Cigarette Top Gun 1400 PS
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Alt 20.06.2004, 00:03
Checkmate-Team Checkmate-Team ist offline
Registriert seit: 27.12.2002
Ort: Aschaffenburg
Beiträge: 113
5 Danke in 5 Beiträgen

Hello Cigaretteman,

I would really like to participate, but unfortunately I have to work and therefore no time to come. However, I wish you lots of fun and please send me your address via private email so that I can send you a DVD with pictures of our German Poker-Run which took place by the end of May.



I love fuel and winter sucks!
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Alt 05.07.2004, 20:45
Checkmate-Team Checkmate-Team ist offline
Registriert seit: 27.12.2002
Ort: Aschaffenburg
Beiträge: 113
5 Danke in 5 Beiträgen

Hello Cigaretteman,

I'm glad that you liked the DVD. You're right, we had lot of fun. I wish you the best for your Poker Run and of course good weather. And keep in mind that everybody can ride a boat, if the weather is nice.

If you also are going to have DVD, I would be more than happy to get one.



I love fuel, Winter sucks.
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Alt 12.07.2004, 21:23
Cigaretteman Cigaretteman ist offline
Registriert seit: 04.04.2004
Ort: Dänemark
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We had to cansel our pokerrun due to bad weather can you belive it ! It really sucks beeing a boatowner this year. I have been out 4 times this year and that is it. We will be having a pokerrun later this year and I will keep you posted. If we make a dvd you will be the first to get a copy.

Cigarette Top Gun 1400 PS
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Alt 12.07.2004, 23:01
Benutzerbild von Andrée
Andrée Andrée ist offline
Vice Admiral
Registriert seit: 03.02.2002
Ort: Kiel / Alcudia
Beiträge: 1.770
Boot: Fairline Targa 28
742 Danke in 364 Beiträgen

I believe. I am located in Kiel. I had since launching my boat 8 hours!!!!! o.k. I had 4 bottle havanna club thats finetoo but I would preferless havanna and more hpurs in the sun.....or just more hpurs in the sun
Bourbon and Coke
and Big Block Boats
BOAT=Blow out another thousand
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Alt 20.07.2004, 20:27
Checkmate-Team Checkmate-Team ist offline
Registriert seit: 27.12.2002
Ort: Aschaffenburg
Beiträge: 113
5 Danke in 5 Beiträgen

Hello Cigaretteman,

sorry that I answer you so late, but during the last weeks I had a lot of work to do. Very sad that you had to cancel the Poker Run. Good luck with the new date and let me know when it is going to take place. Maybe I have time to join. We stay in touch.



I love fuel and Winter sucks!
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Alt 28.07.2004, 20:56
Cigaretteman Cigaretteman ist offline
Registriert seit: 04.04.2004
Ort: Dänemark
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Hello Checkmate-Team

It was no fun to cansel but the weather was just to bad. The next club pokerrun will be the 14 th of august and if you want to join you will be more than welcome ! This will propably be the biggest run this year. We nigt still have a late summer pokerrun in Copenhagen in the beginning of September but that is not 100% sure yet.


NB If you know anybody that wants a cheap Profile cat the price on mine is just lowered to 65.000 Euro !

Take care.

Zitat von Checkmate-Team
Hello Cigaretteman,

sorry that I answer you so late, but during the last weeks I had a lot of work to do. Very sad that you had to cancel the Poker Run. Good luck with the new date and let me know when it is going to take place. Maybe I have time to join. We stay in touch.



I love fuel and Winter sucks!
Cigarette Top Gun 1400 PS
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Alt 29.07.2004, 23:17
Checkmate-Team Checkmate-Team ist offline
Registriert seit: 27.12.2002
Ort: Aschaffenburg
Beiträge: 113
5 Danke in 5 Beiträgen

Hello Cigaretteman,

sorry, but at the monent I don't know anyone who would be interested in a CAT. However, please send me a pn with a picture of it. I will try to offer it for sale.

Regarding your Poker Run. Unfortunately I will not be able to attend it. I will have no more vacation and the one I had, was bad because of the miserable weather. Maybe next year. We should stay in touch and keep me posted.

If you are interested to visit us in Germany, it would be great. On October 2, 2004 we have our off season offshore party - a huge barbecue.



I love fuel and Winter sucks!
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Alt 30.07.2004, 21:04
Benutzerbild von Andre Almstädt
Andre Almstädt Andre Almstädt ist offline
Registriert seit: 18.01.2004
Ort: Ostseebad Rerik
Beiträge: 2.307
Boot: Meins ,leider zuwenig!
257 Danke in 220 Beiträgen

warum nur alles in ne schei...!

habe ich was verpasst!

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Alt 31.07.2004, 22:02
Benutzerbild von marsvin
marsvin marsvin ist offline
Registriert seit: 04.02.2002
Ort: Seevetal+Falshöft/Angeln
Beiträge: 3.528
Boot: Condor 55 "marsvin"
13.420 Danke in 3.383 Beiträgen

Weil sie nicht genug dänisch können hjertlige hilsen fra Hamburg til Köbenhavn,
Der Restothread für meine Condor 55 "marsvin":
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Alt 31.07.2004, 22:26
Benutzerbild von Andrée
Andrée Andrée ist offline
Vice Admiral
Registriert seit: 03.02.2002
Ort: Kiel / Alcudia
Beiträge: 1.770
Boot: Fairline Targa 28
742 Danke in 364 Beiträgen

Hast Du was verpasst? Ja. Englischunterricht.
Bourbon and Coke
and Big Block Boats
BOAT=Blow out another thousand
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Alt 01.08.2004, 21:11
Checkmate-Team Checkmate-Team ist offline
Registriert seit: 27.12.2002
Ort: Aschaffenburg
Beiträge: 113
5 Danke in 5 Beiträgen

Im Interesse des Forums muss man auch mal anders antworten

I love fuel and Winter sucks!
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Alt 27.01.2005, 20:47
Checkmate-Team Checkmate-Team ist offline
Registriert seit: 27.12.2002
Ort: Aschaffenburg
Beiträge: 113
5 Danke in 5 Beiträgen

Hello Cigaretteman,

I received the VHS from you today. Thanks. You are a hell of a group - really some fun ones. Should I have some new ones from our side, I will send them to you.

I love fuel and Winter sucks!
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Alt 27.01.2005, 21:36
Benutzerbild von michav8
michav8 michav8 ist offline
Registriert seit: 06.08.2002
Ort: auf See
Beiträge: 4.475
Boot: Hatra 708 / Wellcraft 233 eclipse/Trave 470/Dehler 31
2.857 Danke in 1.386 Beiträgen

Zitat von Andrée
Hast Du was verpasst? Ja. Englischunterricht.

Dafür kannst Du kein Russisch !!!!
Kann auch hilfreich sein, vorallen wenn sie lange Ledermäntel tragen !

MfG Michael
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