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Alt 10.02.2011, 21:28
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Zitat von Dicke Lippe Beitrag anzeigen
You have to learn this by heart:

Tim Köster Training
That is the problem to learn all those long words and sentences and study it by heart. I have decided to learn two a day or even one a day until i have them all pat down but still, it makes no sense some of them when translated..
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Alt 11.02.2011, 12:13
Benutzerbild von bayliner2655_KN
bayliner2655_KN bayliner2655_KN ist offline
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Just post the sentences you have problems with
and we will make you to understand them. There are too many "special expressions" which u probably won´t find in a dictionary.

@all. At the lake of contance you have Multiple Choice exams for "Binnen". I think only coast asks for written answers.
Man fährt kein Boot um anzukommen.
Wer ein Boot fährt, ist schon angekommen!
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Alt 11.02.2011, 12:13
Rheinsegler Rheinsegler ist offline
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After ten years I still find it hard for one reason, all my friends are English speaking, the Germans I know all want to speak English. I have since enrolled back in Grman classes, this still wont help me. I have since gotten the questions all 362 of them for the sea license and I must ask this, some have one question and three answers, are those all the right answers or must I pick one of them or do I have to learn all as all pertain to a particular question? its confusing because not all are like that but many.
This is no multiple choice. All of them are correct. All together are a suitable answer to the question.

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... all those long words ... still, it makes no sense some of them when translated..
This is naval talk. You need a special dictionary to find the correct English translation. If you don't command the English naval wordings it will be even harder to understand the translation.
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Alt 11.02.2011, 12:17
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Zitat von bayliner2655_KN Beitrag anzeigen
Just post the sentences you have problems with
and we will make you to understand them. There are too many "special expressions" which u probably won´t find in a dictionary.

@all. At the lake of contance you have Multiple Choice exams for "Binnen". I think only coast asks for written answers.

Send me please the information for the Konstanz Binnen license. Are you 100% sure its only multiple and I will not need to write anything out? where can I get this book or questionnaire from for the Konstanz license? Do you know regular Binnen license is not multiple choice
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Alt 11.02.2011, 12:21
Benutzerbild von zodiac340m
zodiac340m zodiac340m ist offline
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This is no multiple choice. All of them are correct. All together are a suitable answer to the question.

This is naval talk. You need a special dictionary to find the correct English translation. If you don't command the English naval wordings it will be even harder to understand the translation.

I understand English naval terms but not German. This is the problem. I can pass this exam if this was given to me in English. But I cant pass this exam in a language that I dont know or understand.

So all those questions are suitable and so I pick only ONE of them? I will post a few questions here for you to see and you can tell me ok.

This for example is question 2 of the see license. First three questions are belongin to questino number 2. then there are three questions within the one question of number 2, then there answers for this question. So I must know all three questions for quetion 2 and then three answers as well?

Wo gelten die nachfolgend aufgeführten
1. Kollisionsverhütungsregeln (KVR),
2. Seeschifffahrtsstraßen-Ordnung (SeeSchStrO),

. Schifffahrtsordnung Emsmündung (EmsSchO)?
1. Auf der Hohen See und auf den mit dieser
zusammenhängenden, von Seeschiffen
befahrbaren Gewässern.
2. Auf den deutschen Seeschifffahrtsstraßen.
3. Im Mündungsgebiet der Ems und auf der

So not to confuse you, many questions have multipe questions within one and then multips answers. do i need to know all of each category.

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Alt 11.02.2011, 12:23
Benutzerbild von bayliner2655_KN
bayliner2655_KN bayliner2655_KN ist offline
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Send me please the information for the Konstanz Binnen license. Are you 100% sure its only multiple and I will not need to write anything out? where can I get this book or questionnaire from for the Konstanz license? Do you know regular Binnen license is not multiple choice
I passed my exam exactly ´1,5 years ago. And our exam was definitely Multiple Choice. I still have the exams at home to show you. I will scan them next week on Monday when I am back in the office, unfortunately
I don´t have a scanner at home
BUT it was for "binnen" only not the sea liscense, that might be different.
Man fährt kein Boot um anzukommen.
Wer ein Boot fährt, ist schon angekommen!
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Alt 11.02.2011, 14:32
Benutzerbild von zodiac340m
zodiac340m zodiac340m ist offline
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I passed my exam exactly ´1,5 years ago. And our exam was definitely Multiple Choice. I still have the exams at home to show you. I will scan them next week on Monday when I am back in the office, unfortunately
I don´t have a scanner at home
BUT it was for "binnen" only not the sea liscense, that might be different.

Hi Yvonne, iam open for anything just to get this damned license and anything will help
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Alt 11.02.2011, 17:12
Benutzerbild von Dicke Lippe
Dicke Lippe Dicke Lippe ist offline
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Ich denke wir sprechen dennoch mit dir besser in einfachem, klaren Deutsch. Gerade bei Fragen zum Führerschein wird dir das für die Prüfung wirklich mehr helfen.

Du sagst selbst: Alle deutschen Freunde möchten zur Übung englisch mit dir sprechen. Lass uns deine Probleme auf Deutsch klären. Erst wenn du etwas gar nicht verstehst, frage auf Englisch nach.

Aber frage zuerst auf Deutsch! Viele Formulierungen können sich so einprägen.

Keine Angst, wir verspotten dich nicht! Hier sind viele Deutsche, die kaum zu verstehen sind und das nur aus Faulheit!

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Alt 11.02.2011, 17:45
Rheinsegler Rheinsegler ist offline
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Zitat von zodiac340m Beitrag anzeigen
So all those questions are suitable and so I pick only ONE of them?
No. It is a question that requires all 3 answers.

Wo gelten die nachfolgend aufgeführten Verkehrsvorschriften:

1. Kollisionsverhütungsregeln (KVR), Answer: 1. Auf der Hohen See und auf den mit dieser zusammenhängenden, von Seeschiffen befahrbaren Gewässern.

2. Seeschifffahrtsstraßen-Ordnung (SeeSchStrO), Answer: 2. Auf den deutschen Seeschifffahrtsstraßen.
. Schifffahrtsordnung Emsmündung (EmsSchO)? Answer: 3. Im Mündungsgebiet der Ems und auf der Leda.


You got 3 questions and you have to answer all 3 of them.

Simple rule: Everything that is given in the answer-coloumn is needed as an answer.
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Alt 11.02.2011, 18:16
almdudi almdudi ist offline
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a. Tell your german-speaking friends, to talk with you in German, and ask them to speak with you about this topics.
b. A very great part of all this is the same, in Germany and all over the world. Especially für the SBF-See. So you can learn the fundamentals with an english book or en english web site. Off course you need than to use the german words, but if have understood the KVR (anti collision rules?) or how to manage a sail, it's easier to understand the german phrases.
I would prefer a british book - there are some differences between Europe and North America e.g. the color of the buoys and lights if you come home from sea.
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Alt 11.02.2011, 18:20
Benutzerbild von zodiac340m
zodiac340m zodiac340m ist offline
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Zitat von Dicke Lippe Beitrag anzeigen
Ich denke wir sprechen dennoch mit dir besser in einfachem, klaren Deutsch. Gerade bei Fragen zum Führerschein wird dir das für die Prüfung wirklich mehr helfen.

Du sagst selbst: Alle deutschen Freunde möchten zur Übung englisch mit dir sprechen. Lass uns deine Probleme auf Deutsch klären. Erst wenn du etwas gar nicht verstehst, frage auf Englisch nach.

Aber frage zuerst auf Deutsch! Viele Formulierungen können sich so einprägen.

Keine Angst, wir verspotten dich nicht! Hier sind viele Deutsche, die kaum zu verstehen sind und das nur aus Faulheit!

Gregor, ich denke das its eine super toll idee. . Ich vestehe 90% was du hast geschreiben. Faulheit, verspotten, einprägen, verstehe ich nicht. Ubersetzung ist auch falsch. Was heist faulheit verspotten, einprägen?

Die Übersetzung für verspotten ist lampoon was ist DASSSSS Ich denke faulheit is lazyness? einprägen is STAMP makes no sense.
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Alt 11.02.2011, 18:22
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zodiac340m zodiac340m ist offline
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Zitat von Rheinsegler Beitrag anzeigen
No. It is a question that requires all 3 answers.

Wo gelten die nachfolgend aufgeführten Verkehrsvorschriften:

1. Kollisionsverhütungsregeln (KVR), Answer: 1. Auf der Hohen See und auf den mit dieser zusammenhängenden, von Seeschiffen befahrbaren Gewässern.
2. Seeschifffahrtsstraßen-Ordnung (SeeSchStrO), Answer: 2. Auf den deutschen Seeschifffahrtsstraßen.

. Schifffahrtsordnung Emsmündung (EmsSchO)? Answer: 3. Im Mündungsgebiet der Ems und auf der Leda.
You got 3 questions and you have to answer all 3 of them.

Simple rule: Everything that is given in the answer-coloumn is needed as an answer.[/QUOTE]

So its really more than 400 questions. Because if all three are separate questions but fall under general question No. 2 gruhhh that is just insane
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Alt 11.02.2011, 18:29
Benutzerbild von zodiac340m
zodiac340m zodiac340m ist offline
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Zitat von almdudi Beitrag anzeigen
a. Tell your german-speaking friends, to talk with you in German, and ask them to speak with you about this topics.
b. A very great part of all this is the same, in Germany and all over the world. Especially für the SBF-See. So you can learn the fundamentals with an english book or en english web site. Off course you need than to use the german words, but if have understood the KVR (anti collision rules?) or how to manage a sail, it's easier to understand the german phrases.
I would prefer a british book - there are some differences between Europe and North America e.g. the color of the buoys and lights if you come home from sea.

That is what I wanted to know, if all the sea rules are the same all over the world and if the channel markers are all the same. In the US we say RRR red right returning from sea, green to port when returning from sea and so on. I will see if I can get a Brit book. Not sure what colors they use here, but green, red, yellow orange black, then multi color, top red then green and so on, in the US waters but I would assume its the same here but not 100% sure.

I will ask my german friends, but I know they will not want to speak on this subject as it is of NO interest to them. They are not boaters or remotely interested in the water. Plus they are selfish and only want to talk about thier jobs in ENGLISH GRUUUU. I will just have to be RUDE and tell them I will not speak English to them again and to find a teacher LOL "there goes the friendship"
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Alt 11.02.2011, 19:17
W.Bligh W.Bligh ist offline
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Hallo, open in a second screen

So You are able, to switch between those two screens, if is ambigous to You.
Einprägen is: memorize automatically by hearing several times
nicht verspotten: nobody will laugh about Your German
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Alt 11.02.2011, 19:54
Benutzerbild von zodiac340m
zodiac340m zodiac340m ist offline
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Hallo, open in a second screen

So You are able, to switch between those two screens, if is ambigous to You.
Einprägen is: memorize automatically by hearing several times
nicht verspotten: nobody will laugh about Your German
Nobody will laugh, but I do hope somebody will correct my mistakes danke für die information
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Alt 11.02.2011, 21:13
Benutzerbild von Dicke Lippe
Dicke Lippe Dicke Lippe ist offline
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Zitat von zodiac340m Beitrag anzeigen
Die Übersetzung für verspotten ist lampoon was ist DASSSSS Ich denke faulheit is lazyness? einprägen is STAMP makes no sense.
Eine der besten Seiten (meiner Meinung nach) für das Verständnis in Zusammenhängen:

Du kannst sowohl deutsche als auch englische Begriffe eingeben und es werden auch Redewendungen angegeben. Hier findest du direkt die richtigen Entsprechungen. Du musst versuchen das passende zu erkennen und oftmals passt vieles. Aber nicht alle Wörter jedem geläufig. Da ist es sehr praktisch eine Auswahl gleichbedeutender Wörter zu finden:





Auch eine akustische Ausgabe ist möglich. Ich hoffe, die Seite ist für dich ebenso hilfreich wie für mich.

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Alt 12.02.2011, 17:34
Rheinsegler Rheinsegler ist offline
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In the US we say RRR red right returning from sea, green to port when returning from sea and so on. I will see if I can get a Brit book. Not sure what colors they use here,...
In Europe (and almost everywhere, except the Americas) it is exactly opposite. Green right on return. Europe uses lateral system A, the Americas lateral system B. If you read the english version of the International Rules to Prevent Collisions at Sea (IRPCS or Collregs) you will find a complete explanation.
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Alt 12.02.2011, 19:39
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sailor0646 sailor0646 ist offline
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Hi Zodiac340m (a name would be nice),

I would start learning about boating and boating rules in your native language. You better take a UK version, since boating rules there are more or less the same all over Europe. This is especially true for the colregs (KVR) since they are completely international.

Once you have understood everything go ahead and start doing it again in German.

My advice is to start with the sea part (SBF See) first, if you plan to sail the sea at all. Once you have accomplished this part, you won't have to redo the practical part with the SBF Binnen. You would just have to do the slightly different theoretical part.

If you ever want to learn about sailing on sailboats at sea get in touch with me. I could teach you the art of sailing both in English or German.
Gruß, Alfred

Wenn alle ihren richtigen Vornamen in der Signatur stehen hätten, wäre das schön.
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Alt 14.02.2011, 16:28
Benutzerbild von Hotcoffee
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I am confused..
As far as I understand the regulations regarding boating licenses, Germans have to get the Sportbootführerschein "Binnen" and "See," but they encounter problems when they operate a boat with a license from another country (RYA Radio Operators license, for example). Wouldn't it be easier for Zodiac340m to take a vacation and get the USCG boat operator's license?
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Alt 14.02.2011, 17:29
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I am confused..
As far as I understand the regulations regarding boating licenses, Germans have to get the Sportbootführerschein "Binnen" and "See," but they encounter problems when they operate a boat with a license from another country (RYA Radio Operators license, for example). Wouldn't it be easier for Zodiac340m to take a vacation and get the USCG boat operator's license?

Hi there

No I cant. I reside in Germany now, and therefore, I must possess a German license in order to operate a boat with more than 6ps on the waters here and elsewhere. I wish I could have gotten the USCG license, what a breeze that would have been for me.

My main thing should not be getting a license, but learning this language properly then venturing to al these difficult situations. I am excited to get back on the water but getting back without knowledge can also be fatal. My classes begin soon and I am looking forward to learning some proper German. Wish me luck

Geändert von zodiac340m (14.02.2011 um 20:23 Uhr)
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Alt 16.02.2011, 10:20
Benutzerbild von miki
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Hi Anne,

I just spoke to the DSV - this organisation is responsible for the boat license.
There is no chance to do it in English!
But next year they will change to multiple choise question - so you don´t have to write down the whole answer, you just have to make an "x" at the right answer.
I think, this will be a great help for you!

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Alt 18.02.2011, 14:13
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Hi Anne,

I just spoke to the DSV - this organisation is responsible for the boat license.
There is no chance to do it in English!
But next year they will change to multiple choise question - so you don´t have to write down the whole answer, you just have to make an "x" at the right answer.
I think, this will be a great help for you!


Hi Kim

This will be an absolute DREAM for me, and I am sure if I study all those questions in one year I am surely to pass this test. Thank you so much for checking on this for me. Did they said when next year? And did they say it pertains to both Binnen and Sea?

In the meantime, I am studying navigation and mapping for myself, its hard but at least I am doing all the stuff with real Nautical Maps and Tidal stream atlases of the ares in France I will be boating and its in English. So by next year, it will only be the questions to know because I would have already done the navigational part as well as practice this summer navigating with real maps and logs So basically, by the time that multiple test comes around I will be ready to get um.

the coast guard of France also told me I stand NO danger with that size boat in the bay either. I just have to make sure to check weather and tides and take all necessary safety devices on board. So that is also good news. Also the size engine is no problems as they require less than 5 knots in the bay
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Alt 18.02.2011, 14:37
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They say it would be for sea + "Binnen". It should start in the begining of 2012, but it could always happened, that it will take some month later, they told me.
For example: This year they changed the VHF-license to multiple choice and they want to start at January, but now it will be April...
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Alt 18.02.2011, 17:00
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zodiac340m zodiac340m ist offline
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They say it would be for sea + "Binnen". It should start in the begining of 2012, but it could always happened, that it will take some month later, they told me.
For example: This year they changed the VHF-license to multiple choice and they want to start at January, but now it will be April...
Isnt that typical of the German system always wanting something fast and never producing because too many people are wanting to have their say about changes

I can wait as long as it takes until the cows come home. I am in no hurry, in the mean time, I will practice on my little toy and get the feel of the waterways here and around France.

Have a great weekend Kim
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Alt 18.02.2011, 18:05
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Dicke Lippe Dicke Lippe ist offline
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Durch MC wird es nicht einfacher. Die vorgegebenen Antworten sind sich extrem ähnlich. Einen Ermessensspielraum für die Prüfer gibt es nicht mehr. Die Durchfallquote wird steigen!

In diesem besonderen Fall würde ich mich sogar sehr bemühen, die Prüfung nach altem System abzulegen.

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