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Alt 03.04.2009, 09:58
HydroStream20ft HydroStream20ft ist offline
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Boot: Sea Ray Laguna 16 v6 Merc
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Ihr müsst unbedingt den Boden aufmachen, damit das alles trocknen kann,
sonst braucht ihr gar nicht anfangen zu kleben
ja ich weiß werde ich mich morgen mit befassen
WasserSport ist NasserSport....
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Alt 03.04.2009, 16:25
Picton14ft Picton14ft ist offline
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ich würde mir vom verkäufer geld wiederholen wegen versteckter mängel .
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Alt 06.04.2009, 20:11
Picton14ft Picton14ft ist offline
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löcher bohren in eine hydrostreem !
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Alt 06.04.2009, 20:50
HydroStream20ft HydroStream20ft ist offline
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Ort: Köpenick
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35 Danke in 24 Beiträgen

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löcher bohren in eine hydrostreem !
wasser muss hal raus....
WasserSport ist NasserSport....
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Alt 07.04.2009, 11:16
bigboy bigboy ist offline
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That's only a small hole

This is what they did to mine
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Alt 07.04.2009, 11:19
bigboy bigboy ist offline
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Nunja, mit deinem Boot bist du wahrlich im falschen Forum-Thema gelandet.

eine hydrostream fährt man mit setback auf den letzten millimetern am Heck, da balancierst du bei Wellen nichts mehr aus.

aus diesem Grunde haben die meisten Phantomfahrer " nur " den Motor höher und kein Setback ( Ausnahmen bestätigen die Regel ), laufen dadurch weicher.
Je mehr man " bowgeliftet " fährt, desto schlechter die Rauhwasser-performance.

Ich habe schon einen kleinen Unterschied nur durch die Gewichtsverlagerung ins Heck bemerkt, das Boot läuft empfindlicher und etwas härter, es hatte einen Bugtank.

um die rauhwassereigenschaften noch weiter zu verbessern haben Phantoms z.B. einen Bug-Ballast-Tank, der mit Wasser gefüllt werden kann.

Aber mal im Ernst, zeigt doch mal bitte " Wellen " auf nem binnensee, das wäre mal interessant.

Wieso 2mm?

The biggest problem is the weight. A hydrostream is designed for speed so they are quite light. Anyway I have an hydrostream and I go boating on a river here at my place. It's always very flat as long as there are no other boats. But my boat should be quite good in the chop. I just have to look out for big wakes from other boats.

I've seen a video where an hydrostream crossed the wakes of an inboard speedboat and at 100km/h +. It ran real smooth trhough it. I think most people think that hydrostream are bad in the rougher water but they actualy dont know the boats...

The previous owner of my stream did some races with it against phantoms, ring and you name it. He was lots faste and I mean lots! There was a race with a lot of wind an big wakes and was still faster. He also ran his boat on a race on the sea and again faster than the ribs.

The rough water ride in the r20 was amazing. And my hydrostream wont come close at all. But each boat has his pro's and cons.

at 50sec, same boat as mine crossing wake. That boat has a topspeed of 170 km/h with a 260 2.5.

Geändert von bigboy (07.04.2009 um 11:31 Uhr)
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Alt 07.04.2009, 16:36
Benutzerbild von Fletcher-Andi
Fletcher-Andi Fletcher-Andi ist offline
Fletcher Papst
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Ort: Hamburg
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Boot: FLETCHER 199 BRAVO 225 YAMAHA BETO & Crescent 310 5PS Yamaha
4.070 Danke in 2.222 Beiträgen

Hi Glenn!

I think we are talking about different things.

i watched the whole video and i cant see any big waves. this is like " lake condition " and normal, you can take those waves even with a wakeboard
All boats perform good in conditions like that.

i talked about offshore-conditions, easy to find at north sea or balitc sea. These waves are completely different and not produced by other boats.

I will not say that a HST cant take waves and is unable to fly, but in a deppvee hull its more comfortable and better for your back.
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Alt 07.04.2009, 16:57
bigboy bigboy ist offline
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Ort: Belgien
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Hi Glenn!

I think we are talking about different things.

i watched the whole video and i cant see any big waves. this is like " lake condition " and normal, you can take those waves even with a wakeboard
All boats perform good in conditions like that.

i talked about offshore-conditions, easy to find at north sea or balitc sea. These waves are completely different and not produced by other boats.

I will not say that a HST cant take waves and is unable to fly, but in a deppvee hull its more comfortable and better for your back.
You would be surprised what kind of wakes you can take with a wakeboard lol Not to mention a surfboard

Anyway I will never see the rough stuff up here. Marybe where there is a tsunami or something similar. Yes it will be more comfortable in a V-hull but some people say a hydrostream cant take a wake at all but that's the biggest BS I ever read.

Most people just exagerate and that's what I dont like to read....
I'm convinced that my hst will run beter in the rough than my fletcher...
And it has a 24° V

Another vid of my boat. I know it's not offshore but... It's a lake in the netherlands. I was there last summer. there was a lot of wind and there was a big chop. Of course the vid doesnt show it that good. Vids dont tell the truth lol. And in the middle of the lake the wakes are always bigger than at the sides...

Forgot to mention that a V-hull is so good that it just hooks in the curve where the stream keeps going!

Geändert von bigboy (07.04.2009 um 17:03 Uhr)
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Alt 07.04.2009, 17:05
Benutzerbild von Fletcher-Andi
Fletcher-Andi Fletcher-Andi ist offline
Fletcher Papst
Registriert seit: 16.08.2003
Ort: Hamburg
Beiträge: 6.142
Boot: FLETCHER 199 BRAVO 225 YAMAHA BETO & Crescent 310 5PS Yamaha
4.070 Danke in 2.222 Beiträgen

You would be surprised what kind of wakes you can take with a wakeboard lol Not to mention a surfboard
thats not a surprise, in my cruisin area are lots of people windsurfing when no boats are able to drive

some people say a hydrostream cant take a wake at all but that's the biggest BS I ever read.
thats definitely not what i wanted to say.

This is my cruisin area at our beach: no boats are present, but surfers like that really much
i made that pic last year and i was going swimming, but not willing to drive my fletcher
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Alt 07.04.2009, 17:14
bigboy bigboy ist offline
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Ort: Belgien
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thats not a surprise, in my cruisin area are lots of people windsurfing when no boats are able to drive

thats definitely not what i wanted to say.

This is my cruisin area at our beach: no boats are present, but surfers like that really much
i made that pic last year and i was going swimming, but not willing to drive my fletcher
I dont come out with wakes smaller than that
I think each boat is capable to go out on the sea but it just matters when... The sea can be also very calm and flat.

Anyway the sea is not my boating area. I dont want to abuse my boats with all that salt That's no good lol

I flushed my 200hp last week. No more salt for her anymore!
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Alt 07.04.2009, 17:26
Benutzerbild von Fletcher-Andi
Fletcher-Andi Fletcher-Andi ist offline
Fletcher Papst
Registriert seit: 16.08.2003
Ort: Hamburg
Beiträge: 6.142
Boot: FLETCHER 199 BRAVO 225 YAMAHA BETO & Crescent 310 5PS Yamaha
4.070 Danke in 2.222 Beiträgen

drove the yammi at saltwater the last 20 years, no problems at all

and yes, we have a small " lake " connected to the sea, so we can go waterskiing when you see those wakes outside that lake

i even dont have a driving-license for " fresh-water " areas

I also drove these boats in our area:

they perform like shit when the wakes " wake up "

first two pics: a stiletto 150 from " swift craft " with a " low vee "
and a campion chase 190

both boats go really hard in the chop
even a small 15ft fletcher does this job 10 times better.

so i know that there are big differences in the chop between boats.
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Alt 07.04.2009, 17:52
bigboy bigboy ist offline
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drove the yammi at saltwater the last 20 years, no problems at all

and yes, we have a small " lake " connected to the sea, so we can go waterskiing when you see those wakes outside that lake

i even dont have a driving-license for " fresh-water " areas

I also drove these boats in our area:

they perform like shit when the wakes " wake up "

first two pics: a stiletto 150 from " swift craft " with a " low vee "
and a campion chase 190

both boats go really hard in the chop
even a small 15ft fletcher does this job 10 times better.

so i know that there are big differences in the chop between boats.
When the hst is ready you should come over to my place. Than you will finaly know what a real boat looks like

No i'm just kidding. I just love speed. So that's why I have a stream.... Ofcourse I also like the looks of this boat. And it's unique...
Someone I know has a 280merc which i can try one day on the HST. That will be good for 170+. It's almost unpossible to do that with a V- hull unless you have an allison. But it's hard to drive... My trimaran just lays flat and stable...
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Alt 07.04.2009, 18:10
Benutzerbild von Fletcher-Andi
Fletcher-Andi Fletcher-Andi ist offline
Fletcher Papst
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Ort: Hamburg
Beiträge: 6.142
Boot: FLETCHER 199 BRAVO 225 YAMAHA BETO & Crescent 310 5PS Yamaha
4.070 Danke in 2.222 Beiträgen

i know that HSTs are the way to go if you really want to go that fast.
and they are faster than deep-vees also at calm waters.
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Alt 07.04.2009, 19:12
Picton14ft Picton14ft ist offline
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ich kann kein englicht !
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Alt 07.04.2009, 19:16
Benutzerbild von Fletcher-Andi
Fletcher-Andi Fletcher-Andi ist offline
Fletcher Papst
Registriert seit: 16.08.2003
Ort: Hamburg
Beiträge: 6.142
Boot: FLETCHER 199 BRAVO 225 YAMAHA BETO & Crescent 310 5PS Yamaha
4.070 Danke in 2.222 Beiträgen

war nichts wichtiges , wir haben nur ein wenig über die unteschiede von booten bei Welle geplaudert.
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Alt 07.04.2009, 19:18
Benutzerbild von Luckytilo
Luckytilo Luckytilo ist offline
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ich kann kein englicht !

Versuchs mal hiermit.

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Alt 08.04.2009, 00:23
Benutzerbild von Mucke
Mucke Mucke ist offline
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2.696 Danke in 1.678 Beiträgen

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. That will be good for 170+. It's almost unpossible to do that with a V- hull unless you have an allison.
thats not right,Glenn.

a Hydrolift T 20 runs with a 300 HP promax 140 kmh.and a hydrolift is an deep V boat from Norge,similiar to a ohantom.
a hydrolift is a bit lighter than phantoms or rings...

and the difference is nothing between a trimaran with 170 kmh and a deep V Boat with 20 ft and the same horse power with 140 kmh
Semper Fidelis
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Alt 08.04.2009, 06:03
Benutzerbild von Fletcher-Andi
Fletcher-Andi Fletcher-Andi ist offline
Fletcher Papst
Registriert seit: 16.08.2003
Ort: Hamburg
Beiträge: 6.142
Boot: FLETCHER 199 BRAVO 225 YAMAHA BETO & Crescent 310 5PS Yamaha
4.070 Danke in 2.222 Beiträgen

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Alt 08.04.2009, 09:51
bigboy bigboy ist offline
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thats not right,Glenn.

a Hydrolift T 20 runs with a 300 HP promax 140 kmh.and a hydrolift is an deep V boat from Norge,similiar to a ohantom.
a hydrolift is a bit lighter than phantoms or rings...

and the difference is nothing between a trimaran with 170 kmh and a deep V Boat with 20 ft and the same horse power with 140 kmh
I dont understand what you're trying to say...

I know those hydrolifts. Saw video's of em on youtube. I spoke with a guy who has the same boat as mine and a 300x. Here is a vid of his boat:

He told me he already got 176km/h with a little bit of throttle left. I hope it's true lol. He had a 260 before and this was his setup:

2.5 260 with 33cc heads and 8500 offshore chip. The top speed was 109 MPH at 8500 RPM with a 28 Mazco

Anyway i wonder if this is all true chat those americans claim. That's why I'm going to put a 280 on mine once...

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Alt 08.04.2009, 11:05
Benutzerbild von Mucke
Mucke Mucke ist offline
Fleet Admiral
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Ort: Berlin / Mecklenburgische Seenplatte
Beiträge: 6.481
Boot: Vieser Schirokko/70er Yammi
Rufzeichen oder MMSI: Mucke
2.696 Danke in 1.678 Beiträgen

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nur nich verstanden was ich meinte or is my english so bad???

the differnce i told about is the speed...

a trimaran with 170 kmh
and a deep V boat with a speed of less 30 kmh only
Semper Fidelis

Geändert von Mucke (08.04.2009 um 11:13 Uhr)
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Alt 08.04.2009, 11:10
Benutzerbild von Mucke
Mucke Mucke ist offline
Fleet Admiral
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Ort: Berlin / Mecklenburgische Seenplatte
Beiträge: 6.481
Boot: Vieser Schirokko/70er Yammi
Rufzeichen oder MMSI: Mucke
2.696 Danke in 1.678 Beiträgen

A Picture of the boat...

and an video at 76 knots
Semper Fidelis
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Alt 08.04.2009, 14:08
bigboy bigboy ist offline
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nur nich verstanden was ich meinte or is my english so bad???

the differnce i told about is the speed...

a trimaran with 170 kmh
and a deep V boat with a speed of less 30 kmh only
Only 30km/h?

Going from 140 to 170 is not as easy as it sounds. It a lot of $$$$ to gain km/h....
It's also harder to gain km/h at those speeds. So I dont think only is the proper word to use
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Alt 08.04.2009, 14:14
Benutzerbild von Picton16ft
Picton16ft Picton16ft ist offline
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da muss ich ihm zustimmen, ab 100 muss jedes km/h richtig teuer erkauft werden. Frag hagen der bei 115km/h rumkrepelt.
Wenn das so einfach wäre noch 30km/h schneller zu fahren wäre er schon längst bei 145km/h und würde uns auf den Keks gehen wie er denn die 170 erreichen könnte
1000in1day2014 - Baltic Tour
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Alt 08.04.2009, 15:08
Picton14ft Picton14ft ist offline
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ich schaue gerade im krankenhaus videos für die gute laune und zum träumen !

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da muss ich ihm zustimmen, ab 100 muss jedes km/h richtig teuer erkauft werden. Frag hagen der bei 115km/h rumkrepelt.
Wenn das so einfach wäre noch 30km/h schneller zu fahren wäre er schon längst bei 145km/h und würde uns auf den Keks gehen wie er denn die 170 erreichen könnte
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Alt 08.04.2009, 16:47
Benutzerbild von Fletcher-Andi
Fletcher-Andi Fletcher-Andi ist offline
Fletcher Papst
Registriert seit: 16.08.2003
Ort: Hamburg
Beiträge: 6.142
Boot: FLETCHER 199 BRAVO 225 YAMAHA BETO & Crescent 310 5PS Yamaha
4.070 Danke in 2.222 Beiträgen

ich habe nicht verstanden, was du uns sagen wolltest?

von 140 auf 170 würde ich nicht als kleinen Unterschied bezeichnen.

Deep-vee boote haben schon weit vorher mit chinewalk zu kämpfen, das hast du bei der HST nicht so stark.

daher kaufen die amis auch keine Deep-vee-boote um Speedrekorde zu brechen, sondern nehmen so etwas, was Glenn besitzt

und da ich gerne mit 70 über wellen hüpfe, nehme ich ein deep-vee. Jeder eben wie er es mag

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