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Technik-Talk Alles was nicht Bootspezifisch ist! Einbauten, Strom, Heizung, ... Zubehör für Motor und Segel

Alt 11.09.2020, 12:32
Fojki Fojki ist offline
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Standard sea ray 265 access bilge pumpe in the cabin where there is a shower.?

hello guys I have a new sea ray 265 or have any of you an idea how to get to the bilge pump in the cabin where the shower is. A simple pump as soon as you enter the cabin downstairs I can hear it. Literally there is no screw to get to physically get to these pumps. I'm asking for your help how open this place

Thnx Thomas
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Alt 10.06.2023, 10:46
SeaRay265 SeaRay265 ist offline
Registriert seit: 22.08.2018
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5 Danke in 5 Beiträgen

Hey, did you figure it out? Having g the same issue.
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