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Alt 10.02.2011, 22:41
Benutzerbild von zodiac340m
zodiac340m zodiac340m ist offline
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Hi Anne Marie
Another opportunity for you would be to pass your exam at the lake of constance.
Since your are living in Mannheim it won´t be that far to get there.
The advantage is that you will have the special permission of the lake of contance called "Bodenseeschifferpatent". With this permission you can easily apply for the German Binnen liscense without taking another exam. So you have two liscenses in one step. With taking an extra navigation course you safe the practical "Sea" exam.
The exam at the lake of constance is not that difficult. They teach you a lot about the nature and the lake itself. Well, I managed it so you can manage it either.
Just let me know if you are interested in getting some more information.

Hi Yvonne, I didnt know this. yes, I am VERY interested in this, do you still have 400 questions to study?I am interested in any help I can get from you guys and girls who have been thru this nightmare you know I actually have BAD dreams about this. My gosh. I studied the onine course in English for the US state and its a BREEZE to pass. If this same course was in english I am positive I will pass it. But I have to study and learn german words that I dont even understand and when I do translation they do not make sense to me, well some of them. so YES, please. I am intersted in ALL and every help I can get. Danke Danke Danke
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Alt 10.02.2011, 22:57
Benutzerbild von zodiac340m
zodiac340m zodiac340m ist offline
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I forgot, what is the margin of error ont he exam Sea? I want to do Sea before Binnen, but in general, what is the margin of error on the exams? Are there really just 30 questions?
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Alt 10.02.2011, 23:04
Benutzerbild von zodiac340m
zodiac340m zodiac340m ist offline
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Hi Yvonne, I didnt know this. yes, I am VERY interested in this, do you still have 400 questions to study?I am interested in any help I can get from you guys and girls who have been thru this nightmare you know I actually have BAD dreams about this. My gosh. I studied the onine course in English for the US state and its a BREEZE to pass. If this same course was in english I am positive I will pass it. But I have to study and learn german words that I dont even understand and when I do translation they do not make sense to me, well some of them. so YES, please. I am intersted in ALL and every help I can get. Danke Danke Danke
Zitat von Holger Beitrag anzeigen
hi zodiac,
i would recommend you have a look at the local power boat or sailing clubs. very often, this clubs offer lessons for the power boat license during the off-season time. the advantages are
- the costs are significant lower than the commercial schools
- you will meet people which have the same hobby in a cosy atmoshere
- you can get copies of the questionaire for the final exam and have the text translated if necessary.

the practical test is extremely easy, absolutely no problem if you did some boating before.

just in case there is an us-installation nearby, check if they have some kind of sports club for further info. mybe they have a boating section...

Yes, I have done boating before on large vessels both with engines or sail but never studied navigation or rules, just did it with friends. OUTSIDE of Éurope that is. When you say local clubs, do you know that most of the clubs around here are local but those are the ones charign and arm and a leg for courses? I was told i do not need to go to a school but study the questions and answers and just sit the test, the disadvantage of that is, I need to find someone with a boat or hire a boat for the practical. Either way, i will certainly look into it more this summer.

A question, our friend who if from Finland has his license from Poland when he lived there. He has now been a resident of Germany for the past four years, is his Polish license still valid in Germany?
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Alt 10.02.2011, 23:06
Benutzerbild von zodiac340m
zodiac340m zodiac340m ist offline
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My lovely Mr singing it´s chaired.
(mein lieber Hr. Gesangsverein, jetzt isch gschdulet"
So we will speak swanglish or what now heck, i am struggling with Gerenglisch as it is now
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Alt 11.02.2011, 09:30
Benutzerbild von T.R.
T.R. T.R. ist offline
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Hi Anne Marie,
Hi T, if you scroll backwards you will see my real christian name aint gonna tell go read and you will find it.
So you aer saying out of 362 effing questions and all those long winded bullshit stuff they have there, not all of that will actually come in the exam? Are the exams randomly picked or they are more or less the same or same ole types of Q's coming up over and over again? Not exact questions but more or less in the same category? All the math and charting are not reall yon there? The commission said 30 questions come out of 362. Most then are channel markers? If so that is not difficult for me, what is complicated are the terms used in German. Lights and size of boats and markers are not going to be hard. But I am just wondering if I really have to know all 362 by heart Do you have the book or something?
I'm sorry I've overlooked the fact that you gave us your name already!
Unluckily my books are quite old (I've had the exam almost 30 years ago, yes I'm an quite old fart) and in the meantime they're using other ones.
Grüße Thomas
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Alt 11.02.2011, 10:37
Benutzerbild von bayliner2655_KN
bayliner2655_KN bayliner2655_KN ist offline
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Zitat von zodiac340m Beitrag anzeigen
Hi Yvonne, I didnt know this. yes, I am VERY interested in this, do you still have 400 questions to study?I am interested in any help I can get from you guys and girls who have been thru this nightmare you know I actually have BAD dreams about this. My gosh. I studied the onine course in English for the US state and its a BREEZE to pass. If this same course was in english I am positive I will pass it. But I have to study and learn german words that I dont even understand and when I do translation they do not make sense to me, well some of them. so YES, please. I am intersted in ALL and every help I can get. Danke Danke Danke
Actually for the Binnen liscense you do not have 400 questins to study The exam is quite easy. They teach you all important things within 8 hours (one Saturday). After the 8h you can buy a CD Rom for answering the Multiple-Choice questions. Do some pratical exercises and all of a sudden you have two lisences. BUT I do not know how many things are to be learned for the sea exam. Just talk to the sailing school. Most of them know English pretty well. And I know that a lot of people travel to the lake from far away to get their liscense. If you want we can talk on the phone or skype. Just write P/N. THX
Man fährt kein Boot um anzukommen.
Wer ein Boot fährt, ist schon angekommen!
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Alt 11.02.2011, 13:08
Benutzerbild von zodiac340m
zodiac340m zodiac340m ist offline
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Hi Anne Marie, I'm sorry I've overlooked the fact that you gave us your name already!
Unluckily my books are quite old (I've had the exam almost 30 years ago, yes I'm an quite old fart) and in the meantime they're using other ones.
hey, you can sell it on Ebay, its quite an antique

I have the questions, I got it from the commission, both for see and binnen but it does not help me at all. Its all so much jabber its murder for me.
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Alt 11.02.2011, 13:11
Benutzerbild von zodiac340m
zodiac340m zodiac340m ist offline
Registriert seit: 22.01.2011
Ort: MA
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15 Danke in 7 Beiträgen

Zitat von bayliner2655_KN Beitrag anzeigen
Actually for the Binnen liscense you do not have 400 questins to study The exam is quite easy. They teach you all important things within 8 hours (one Saturday). After the 8h you can buy a CD Rom for answering the Multiple-Choice questions. Do some pratical exercises and all of a sudden you have two lisences. BUT I do not know how many things are to be learned for the sea exam. Just talk to the sailing school. Most of them know English pretty well. And I know that a lot of people travel to the lake from far away to get their liscense. If you want we can talk on the phone or skype. Just write P/N. THX

Hi yvonne, what do you mean multiple choice? Did you see the recent book? it has 400 questions you have to study all of them but you only get like 30 on the exam. But you must still know all 400this is the madness I am speaking about. For the book for the sea, its 362 questions that look like Arabic that is how difficult it is and you have to know all of them but only get 30 on the exam. Can you tell me how to get the one for the Konstanz See? I will Pm you my number
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