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Alt 06.02.2014, 09:06
Benutzerbild von Akki
Akki Akki ist offline
Fleet Admiral
Registriert seit: 25.09.2003
Ort: Westwestfalen
Beiträge: 15.718
Boot: Barro MZB 550
Rufzeichen oder MMSI: Beides vorhanden
52.886 Danke in 17.514 Beiträgen

Warum gibt es nicht schon viel mehr Bilder von dem Boot??


dieser Beitrag wurde ohne KI erstellt...
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Alt 06.02.2014, 09:13
Benutzerbild von haluterix
haluterix haluterix ist offline
Vice Admiral
Registriert seit: 11.09.2006
Ort: Berlin
Beiträge: 1.165
Boot: DeGroot Beachcraft36
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Das ist ja der größte Schmarrn aller Zeiten, die meisten Leute sind durch Youtube, Dschungelcamp und den ganzen Kochsendungen in ihrer Denkfähigkeit schon derart eingeschränkt, dass man denen nahezu jeden Schwachsinn als wahr verkaufen kann.
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Alt 06.02.2014, 09:44
Benutzerbild von Freibeuter
Freibeuter Freibeuter ist offline
Registriert seit: 11.06.2004
Ort: ... 43,2 sm östl. Helgoland
Beiträge: 3.770
Boot: Yar-Craft BowCat
15.764 Danke in 5.620 Beiträgen

Stand der Dinge...


Alvarenga's parents were convinced that he had died eight years ago (well before he ever set sail), as they had lost contact with him around that time, and were therefore overjoyed to discover that he was not. Alvarenga's father said that he had prayed for his son while he was missing, and his mother said that she dreamt about her son during this time. Alvarenga's daughter, upon hearing that her father had been found, said that after he returned home, the "First thing I'll do is hug him and kiss him.”

Some people have questioned the veracity of Alvarenga's story. For example, the owner of the boat he set sail in, Cesar Castillo, said that "It's incredible to survive that long,” and "It's hard to think how anybody could go more than six or seven months without getting scurvy at least.” Alvarenga stated that the other person in the boat with him was 15 years old but perished. The Guardian found the Chiapas rescue services official, Jaime Marroquin, who was informed that a fishing boat had gone missing in the area on November 17, 2012. The official report identified the two fishermen as being named Cirilo Vargas and Ezequiel Cordova, and that both of them were in their thirties. The local authorities originally searched for Vargas and Cordova, but then called off the search after two days, citing heavy fog and bad weather. As for the discrepancy between the names of the fishermen in the 2012 report and those of Alvarenga and Ezekiel, CBS News reported that "... records in Mexico are often filed with such mistakes." Skeptics of his story have also pointed out that when Alvarenga arrived on Ebon Atoll, no one who lived there spoke Spanish. Another person who expressed doubts about whether Alvarenga was telling the truth was Gee Bing, who said, "It does sound like an incredible story and I'm not sure if I believe his story," adding, "When we saw him, he was not really thin compared to other survivors in the past. I may have some doubts. Once we start communicating with where he's from, we'll be able to find out more information."

Tom Armbruster, the United States Ambassador to the Marshall Islands, acknowledged that it seems implausible for someone to survive at sea for 13 months, but also said that "’s also hard to imagine how someone might arrive on Ebon out of the blue. Certainly this guy has had an ordeal, and has been at sea for some time.” In addition, The Guardian's Jo Tuckman argued that the fact that a fishing boat had been reported missing on November 17, 2012 "lin up" with Alvarenga's claim that he set sail the following month, and that this supports the view that "at least some of his story holds up." In addition, Erik van Sebille, an oceanographer at the University of New South Wales, said that it was entirely possible that sea currents could carry a boat from Mexico to the Marshall Islands. He also estimated that such a trip would take about 18 months, but said that 13 months was still plausible.

Die ganze Welt berichtet und anscheinend schreibt jeder von jedem, ohne weitere Prüfung, ab.
Jörg von der (ex)Freibeuter
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