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Race Point alles über Regatta und Rennen

Alt 09.10.2003, 13:37
Benutzerbild von markus252
markus252 markus252 ist offline
Registriert seit: 25.04.2003
Ort: Leipzig
Beiträge: 57
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Standard Neue Rekordmeldung Mari Cha IV

Reuters-Meldung von eben: Wäre bestimmt auch mal lustig, da mitzusegeln...

13:36 09Oct2003 RTRS-Sailing-Mari Cha IV beats Atlantic west-east record

PARIS, Oct 9 (Reuters) - Mari Cha IV, the super maxi yacht owned by British millionaire Robert Miller, broke the record for sailing the Atlantic west to east in six days, 17 hours, 52 minutes and 39 seconds on Thursday.
The 140-foot yacht, which has two masts, crossed the virtual finish line off Cape Lizard on Thursday at 1032 GMT.
Mari Cha IV on Monday sailed 505 miles, a record distance by a monohull over 24 hours.
The previous record for the west-east Atlantic crossing was held by Swiss Bertrand Stamm in eight days, 29 hours, 55 minutes and 35 seconds.
Kein Fisch ohne Gräten, kein Mensch ohne Fehler
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