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Alt 14.10.2012, 11:03
Melker Melker ist offline
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Standard Suggestions for Winter Storage?

We own a 40 feet Forbina motor boat with two Volvo Penta motors. We plan to be away for two seasons and would like to have tips and information about dry indoor winter storage in Germany or Denmark. Where can we find it and how much does it generally cost? We would also like to have the engines served.
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Alt 14.10.2012, 12:00
Benutzerbild von Kurpfalzskipper
Kurpfalzskipper Kurpfalzskipper ist offline
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Hello "Melker", you might need to tell us in which reagion you like to get it stored -and if you like to store it on land or in the water. Even more important -is it a ship which already is imported into the European Union or do you cleared inward as a visitor only (in other words did you payed european sales tax already)?

All the best

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Alt 14.10.2012, 12:45
Benutzerbild von Mork
Mork Mork ist offline
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Möchte nicht Klugscheißern, aber "Germany or Denmark" hört sich nach dem Bereich von Süddänemark bis Norddeutschland an und "dry indoor winter storage" im Wasser könnte zwar eine Marktlücke sein, meines Wissens nach bislang unmöglich mangels trockenem Wasser...
...::: Gruß, Erik :::...

- commeo ergo sum! -

Es muss nicht immer alles Sinn machen.
Oft reicht es schon wenn es Spaß macht.
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Alt 14.10.2012, 16:15
Benutzerbild von jannie
jannie jannie ist offline
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Moin Mr. Melker,
you can check google with the searchwords Winterlager Boote and the area for Germany (i guess you are looking for the north) and you will find lots of possibilities. You have to decide upfront, wether you want a heated or unheated room for the boat. Engine service etc is frequently available. Just a place, I know close to where I live at the baltic sea, not far away from the danish border,at the Schlei:
They collect per sqaremeter (lengt over all times width over all,) for the cold indoor storage app 19 Euro incl. VAt and for the heated storage 45 Euro. This is only one example of hundreds. You have to tell us more aboat the preferred location, to allow more help.
Another questions: can you read or speak some German? And even more important, are you looking for the storage this winter 2012/13) ore the next 2013/14. For this winter, it might be difficult to find free space.
regards Hanse
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Alt 15.10.2012, 13:44
Benutzerbild von Christo Cologne
Christo Cologne Christo Cologne ist offline
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...und "dry indoor winter storage" im Wasser könnte zwar eine Marktlücke sein, meines Wissens nach bislang unmöglich mangels trockenem Wasser...
...hört sich für mich nach diesem damals geplantem Hügel in Port Olpenitz an.

Niemals mit den Händen in den Taschen
auf dem Hof stehen, wenn die Frau vorbeikommt!
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Alt 21.10.2012, 19:02
AxelH AxelH ist offline
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Ort: Huntsville,AR
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@ Melker.
Just keep sending your questins in english. If necessary I can translate. Do you want to keep the boat on the hard for 2 years or just for the winter. Boating season in the Baltic (my guestimation on where you'd like to be) is pretty short compared to other countries. But it is a beautiful sailing area. A bit like the Great Lakes. BTW where are you from?
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