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Alt 27.04.2022, 16:01
varet varet ist offline
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Standard Plate Number question and ADAC suffering :\

I see many boats with Registrations like a car (BRB-XX-999, B-XX-2222) but also I see boats with XXXXXX-A(Adac) etc...
I personally have an IBS from Adac!

Can I use the Adac number as license plate number and be on Inland waters? or I need also to register with a local (berlin in my case) water service?

It is confusing.

Also I am suffering with adac a bit. I try to change my address, and they never reply to my form submissions! :\ do I have to send them again ALL the paperwork?
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Alt 27.04.2022, 16:55
Benutzerbild von Joe(rg)
Joe(rg) Joe(rg) ist offline
Registriert seit: 31.01.2022
Ort: Erftstadt
Beiträge: 104
Boot: Drago 665 - MiDaS
Rufzeichen oder MMSI: DJ5408 - MMSI 211849400
237 Danke in 82 Beiträgen

IBS of ADAC / DSV / DMYV can be used for the boat in Germany. The others you're listing seem to be released by different WSA and can be used also.

So IBS Number is your plate

ADAC in the moment is very slow, I'm waiting for my ibs in the moment for 2 weeks :-(

btw: If you are using german ibs outside of germany normally ibs shouldn't be older than 2 years.


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Alt 28.04.2022, 10:14
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Registrations like a car (BRB-XX-999, B-XX-2222) but also I see boats with XXXXXX-A(Adac) etc...

Each WSA has its own letter-combination ("Hansestadt Bremen" = HB, "Mannheim" = MH, etc).

In difference to car registration, you can register your boat at whatever WSA you like to register it.

The ADAC registration is legal for al EU countries, but if you drive outside Germany the registration needs to be updated every 2 years. With usage inside Germany the ADAC reg. has no end of validity.
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Alt 28.04.2022, 11:19
Benutzerbild von billi
billi billi ist gerade online
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Each WSA has its own letter-combination ("Hansestadt Bremen" = HB, "Mannheim" = MH, etc).

In difference to car registration, you can register your boat at whatever WSA you like to register it.

The ADAC registration is legal for al EU countries, but if you drive outside Germany the registration needs to be updated every 2 years. With usage inside Germany the ADAC reg. has no end of validity.
Mannheim =MA
Gruß Volker
und immer `ne Handbreit Sprit im Tank

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Alt 28.04.2022, 11:31
Benutzerbild von billi
billi billi ist gerade online
Fleet Admiral
Registriert seit: 17.07.2003
Ort: St.Leon-Rot
Beiträge: 39.067
Boot: Bayliner 2855 Bj. 1996
34.026 Danke in 20.633 Beiträgen

The WSA Registration is also legal in EU .
IT needs no Update. WSA Registration has no end of validity.
Gruß Volker
und immer `ne Handbreit Sprit im Tank

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Alt 28.04.2022, 12:01
User: 3512
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Mannheim =MA

Correct. Sorry, typo.
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Alt 29.04.2022, 09:06
Benutzerbild von Joe(rg)
Joe(rg) Joe(rg) ist offline
Registriert seit: 31.01.2022
Ort: Erftstadt
Beiträge: 104
Boot: Drago 665 - MiDaS
Rufzeichen oder MMSI: DJ5408 - MMSI 211849400
237 Danke in 82 Beiträgen

Returning to original question of varet:

His ibs / ADAC registration fits the requirements, no additional registration needed. He can use his ADAC registration number as "plate" for using inland Germany

Kind Regards

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Alt 06.05.2022, 13:16
varet varet ist offline
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Thank you all for the Detailed info.

Do I have to Carry the IBS with me inside Germany while boating? Just it is funny:

Netherlands has:
- Card for Boat registration
- Paper License

- Adac paper Registration (Maybe WSAs give you card as registration, which I would prefer)
- Card License (SBF)

I also bought 2 license plates (Vinyl stickers) of 10cm high (NL requires 20CM!!) and they sold them as legal, I suspect I read this right too.
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Alt 06.05.2022, 13:25
Benutzerbild von Zapfhahn
Zapfhahn Zapfhahn ist offline
Registriert seit: 22.05.2020
Ort: Brandenburg an der Havel
Beiträge: 330
Boot: Van Pelt 820
615 Danke in 191 Beiträgen

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Thank you all for the Detailed info.

Do I have to Carry the IBS with me inside Germany while boating? Just it is funny:

Netherlands has:
- Card for Boat registration
- Paper License

- Adac paper Registration (Maybe WSAs give you card as registration, which I would prefer)
- Card License (SBF)

I also bought 2 license plates (Vinyl stickers) of 10cm high (NL requires 20CM!!) and they sold them as legal, I suspect I read this right too.
Yeah, welcome to the EU where we all are united in doing everything our own way.
You have to carry your IBS and present it if asked by the authorities.
10cm height is correct. Eihter dark colour on a light background or light on dark. It has to have a high contrast so no white letters on a white boat.
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